OLD DETROIT IMMIGRANT NEIGHBORHOODS show how Blacks took over already old areas before making $ in Automotive. Part one covers where Black Detroiters lived The following maps embedded here Are Historical neighborhoods based on descriptions in old books. Black people in Detroit were Redlined and were able to buy only from Jews who tended to buy in areas bordering the Irish. "The subdivisions, one to twenty, are the plates of the Robinson and Pidgeon Atlas of the City of Detroit (New York, 1885). The clusters on the map, that is, the blocks and their opposing fronts (see graph two, infra) are the areas of the city sampled for intensive study” ( Quote /map below retrieved from the link below retrieved 3/12/19 on the web) Source: https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/handle/2027.42/50936/161.pdf?sequence=1 Blah Blah Blah --- keeping it simple...Black people in Detroit were Redlined and were able to buy only from...